June 2, 2022

Ep 18 - Confessions of a Divorce Attorney: What to Expect, Prenups, Postnups, and Everything In Between with Maliha Siddiqui

Ep 18 - Confessions of a Divorce Attorney: What to Expect, Prenups, Postnups, and Everything In Between with Maliha Siddiqui

In Episode 18, Julie speaks with Divorce Attorney Maliha Siddiqui.

Divorce is something that is considered to be very taboo in South Asian communities. It's highly stigmatized and as a result, divorce rates are very low within South Asian populations. Even if there's violence, abuse, or other oppressive situations happening within a household,  the reality of our culture is that the stigma and shame of divorce is so great it often leads people to stay in their married arrangements rather than go through a divorce .

Though we will focus a future episode on individuals who have gone through divorce sharing their experience and overcoming it, today's episode will be informative and educational in nature and discuss Divorce within South Asian communities and legal implications and outcomes of the divorce process.

Julie and Maliha discuss the following :

  • Types of divorce cases that are most common within the South Asian community
  • Expected divorce timeline and process
  • Can you file for divorce without an attorney?
  • What happens in situations when one person does not want to comply with the divorce (Hello Kimye ?)
  • Mediation
  • Costs of divorce
  • Parenting vs Financial Categories of Divorce
  • How Maintenance aka Alimony payments are calculated
  • How Child Support Payments are calculated
  • How Marital Estate (assets and debt) are divided
  • Joint Community vs Equitable Distribution States
  • Prenups and Postnups
  • Advice for people who have not broken news to their Spouse that they want to get Divorced
  • Unique Circumstances within South Asian divorces (e.g. gold, marital gifts from family,  in-laws involvement, etc)

Connect with Maliha





Maliha's Presentation with the Muslim Bar Association of Chicago. . This is a great resource to watch if you are considering divorce in Illinois.




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