A few weeks ago, I wrote about the Pomodoro method.
I'm a sucker for time management hacks, so here's another one.
For the most part, I'm a Type A person.
This means sticking to routines, making lists, & checking them off.
See Exhibit A below.
Each morning, I write down the tasks I need to complete that day.
If I complete a task that wasn't on my list, I go back and add it to the list, so I can have the satisfactory moment of checking it off.
I know some of you reading know exactly what I mean.
Lately, I noticed that several of my tasks would move from the Monday list to the Tuesday list, and then to the Wednesday list.
Even though these tasks were small, I found that for each day the task went unfinished, was another day of my brain being occupied with the additional mental load of remembering the task, the stress of procrastination, and waking up already feeling behind.
Here comes the two-minute rule:
Any task that can be done in two minutes or less should be done immediately.
This means that instead of putting off small tasks, we tackle them right away, even if they seem insignificant.
I started incorporating this rule this week and wow, let me tell you, my brain felt much lighter.
It was nice waking up and not feeling fatigued by what I hadn't completed in the days prior.
It's a simple but powerful technique to minimize procrastination and some of the unnecessary daily mental load that fills our brains.
Have you heard of the two-minute rule? If you found this helpful, let me know!